
Dr. Lin Cai Lab Leader
Lin Cai received her M.A.Sc. and PhD degrees (awarded Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies) in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. Since 2005, she has been with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria, and she is currently a Professor. Her research interests span several areas in wireless communications and networking, with a focus on network protocol and architecture design supporting emerging multimedia traffic over wireless, mobile, ad hoc, and sensor networks. She has been a recipient of the NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Grants twice, in 2010 and 2015, respectively, and the best paper awards of IEEE ICC 2008 and IEEE WCNC 2011. She has served as a TPC symposium co-chair for IEEE Globecom'10 and Globecom'13, and an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, International Journal of Sensor Networks, and Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN).
Ph.D Students
Lei Zhao Ph.D Student Email: leizhao[at]uvic[dot]ca
Wenjun Yang Ph.D Student Email: wenjunyang[at]uvic[dot]ca
Xiangyu Ren Ph.D Student Email: jamesrxy[at]uvic[dot]ca
Pooria Eftetahi Ph.D Student Email: pooriaeftetahi[at]uvic[dot]ca
Pu Yang Ph.D Student Email: puyang[at]uvic[dot]ca
Master Students
Junyan Li MENG Student Email: junyanli1[at]uvic[dot]ca
Tiangfang Chang MASc Student Email: tfchang[at]uvic[dot]ca
Visiting Scholars
Xin Gu Visiting Ph.D student Email: guxin15[at]csu[dot]edu[dot]cn
Yuan Liu Visiting Ph.D student Email: yuan_l[at]mail[dot]nwpu[dot]edu[dot]cn
Huizi Xiao Visiting Ph.D student Email: huizi_xiao[at]stu[dot]xidian[dot]edu[dot]cn
Chenglong Wang Visiting Ph.D student Email: wcl960624[at]qq[dot]com
Yufei Wang Visiting Ph.D student Email: yufeiwang[at]uvic[dot]ca
Feng Ye Visiting Ph.D student Email: yef[at]seu[dot]cn
- Dr. Hamed Mosavat-Jahromi has been employed by Fortinet, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2022
- Dr. Wen Cui has been employed as a faculty member with Aeronautics computing technology research institute, Xi'an, China, 2021
- Dr. Chengcheng Zhao has been employed as a faculty member with Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2020.
- Dr. Xiaolong Lan has been a faculty member with Sichuan University, Chengdu, China,2020.
- Dr. Kan Zhou has been employed as a Principal Architect at Huawei, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2020.
- Dr. Chen Liu (Now a faculty member at Northwestern University, Xi'an)
- Dr. Yongmin Zhang (Now Professor at Central South University, 2019)
- Yuanzhi Ni (Ph.D. 2019, Now Tenure-track position with Jiangnan University)
- Mohammad Ghasemiahmadi (M.A.Sc 2018, employed by Sierra Wireless)
- Dr. Jianping He (Now Associate Professor with Shanghai Jiaotong University, awarded the Youth 1000 Talent recognition, 2017)
- Zhe Wei (Ph.D 2018, Wisdom Artificial Intelligence)
- Haoyuan Zhang (PhD 2017, ZTE research lab)
- Yi Chen (Ph.D 2016, employed by Fortinet)
- Min Xing (Ph.D 2015, employed by Fortinet)
- Kan Zhou (Ph.D 2015, employed by Fortinet)
- Lei Zheng (Ph.D 2014, employed by Ericsson)
- Xuan Wang (Ph.D 2014, employed by Fortinet)
- Siyuan Xiang (Ph.D 2013, employed by Fortinet)
- Yuanqian Luo (Ph.D 2013, employed by Alcatel Lucent)
- Zhe Yang (Ph.D 2013, now an Associate Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China)
- Vivek Tiwari (M.A.Sc 2012, now working at Vineyard Networks)
- Ahmad Ali Abdullah (Ph.D 2011, now working at Systems Xcellence Inc.)
- Bojiang Ma (M.A.Sc 2011, now Ph.D student at University of British Columbia)
- Ivan Zhang (Ph.D 2010, now Associate Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China)
- Haoling Ma (M.A.Sc 2010)
- Emad Shihab (M.A.Sc 2008, now Associate Professor at Concordia University, Canada)
- Fengdan Wan (M.A.Sc 2008)